A Heartbreaking Tale of a Disabled Dog Left Abandoned on the Road in Front of a Tire Repair Shop

Ozimar Queiroz and Lindomar Queiroz, who work at a tire repair shop in North Zone of Porto Velho, were taken aback in mid-February when they arrived at their workplace early. They discovered a deserted dog on the side of the road who was very small, had exposed paws, and couldn’t move.

After witnessing the unfortunate situation of the dog, Ozimar (also known as Galego) agreed to look after him until a permanent home was found. It has been 20 days since then, and the dog is still in need of a loving family to take him in. The poor pup was left in front of their shop with his two front legs facing backward, which has made it difficult for him to walk. The kind-hearted Galego and his team have been taking care of him and providing him with food. They have affectionately named him Seal, due to his inability to move around freely because of his open paws. Despite their best efforts, Seal is still waiting for someone to give him a forever home.

Throughout the day, the tire repair staff moved him from place to place, but eventually the pup found his way into the mud where he met a friendly stray cat that roamed around the tire shop. Lindomar Queiroz explained to G1 that the dog is very gentle and requires medical attention, however, he is unable to cover the costs associated with it.

Lindomar proudly shared that they gave their new furry friend a name that suits his appearance, “Seal.” Initially, Seal was underweight when they found him, but with proper care and feeding, he is now starting to gain some weight. Despite being covered in mud due to the rainy weather, Lindomar and his team remain dedicated to taking care of him. They have even considered adopting him as their own.

The act of leaving the dog behind received a lot of attention on social media, but fortunately, Foca found a new home with a couple from Porto Velho.

A group of tire repair workers discovered a pit bull on the streets and provided him with food and water for nearly three weeks. They called him “Foca” until a kind-hearted economics student named Michele decided to take him in and gave him a new name. The moment she laid eyes on the pit bull, she fell in love with him due to his helpless and gentle nature. She loves him dearly and considers it a motherly feeling.

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