“A Heartwarming Tale of Saving an Abandoned Puppy with a Severe Injury and Maggot Infestation, Left to Survive without Nourishment or Hydration!”

A small and lonely dog was stranded without food or water, hiding in a cave for several days. Kokkachi volunteers were informed of the situation and found the poor dog. They quickly returned to the shelter and gathered everything they needed, such as clothes, milk, and bags.

However, the little dog was afraid to come out of the cave due to the movement of many people. Perhaps he had seen many bad things and was afraid that it was the bad guys trying to catch him.

Volunteers placed milk in a bowl and left it outside the cave to lure out the puppy, which emerged after a few hours, possibly due to hunger. Using wooden blocks, the volunteers quickly closed the cave’s entrance as it was enormous and catching the puppy took a long time. Fortunately, they were able to apprehend the puppy, bandage its wounds, and transport it to a veterinary clinic in California.

They brought him to the hospital, but unfortunately, it was closed due to the holiday. Eventually, they found a kind doctor who agreed to treat him for free – Dr. Shihabuddheen. He is a compassionate and kind-hearted person who performed all the treatments without any charge.

After much consideration, they decided to keep the small dog at Kokkachi’s shelter, and he will now become a member of their family. He receives proper care and is well-fed, but most importantly, he is loved.

The puppy is recovering quickly and has a lot of energy. He has started playing and the entire shelter staff fell in love with him the moment they saw him. They believe that he will soon leave the shadows of his past and live a happy life. The puppy has lovely eyes and is overjoyed now, receiving endless hugs and kisses!

Thank you so much for taking the time to rescue this precious little puppy. We sincerely hope that he finds a loving forever home with plenty of food and water! ❤

Someone has done a great job with this adorable little puppy. The poor thing must have been so scared and lonely before being rescued and getting the care it needs to get back to full health. It’s heartwarming to see that there are people who take the time and effort to help animals in need. May this little one be blessed with a happy and healthy life ahead. ❤

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